Moderator: SW:Tor Mods
Headhunter hat geschrieben:Besonders gut finde ich es, dass man zwischen den Fraktionen nun doch miteinander sprechen können wird :)
Könnte das Assiverhalten einiger vielleicht ein wenig dämpfen.
Harbid hat geschrieben:Headhunter hat geschrieben:Besonders gut finde ich es, dass man zwischen den Fraktionen nun doch miteinander sprechen können wird :)
Könnte das Assiverhalten einiger vielleicht ein wenig dämpfen.
Ne, du wirst dann noch beleidigt, bespuckt und zugeflamed während du gegankt wirst.
Harbid hat geschrieben:Headhunter hat geschrieben:Besonders gut finde ich es, dass man zwischen den Fraktionen nun doch miteinander sprechen können wird :)
Könnte das Assiverhalten einiger vielleicht ein wenig dämpfen.
Ne, du wirst dann noch beleidigt, bespuckt und zugeflamed während du gegankt wirst.
Headhunter hat geschrieben:Wieso dann nochmal ein PVP Server? Wenn ihr es so seht?
Thingol hat geschrieben: in all den Jahren hatte ich persönlich maximal ne Handvoll Leute auf der Ignore ... bzw. eher weniger ;)
Borbarad hat geschrieben:Thingol hat geschrieben: in all den Jahren hatte ich persönlich maximal ne Handvoll Leute auf der Ignore ... bzw. eher weniger ;)
*hust* Also ich war bei SWG echt erleichtert das mit iiiiiirgendeinem Patch damals die Ignoreliste vergrößert wurde ;)
Michell hat geschrieben:Das doch fürn Arsch, selbst in WoW gab es ein Fraktionsübergreifendes Auktionshaus. Dort konnt ich auch damit leben das die andere Fraktion einfach eine Sprache spricht die man nicht versteht.
Wie Sie das in ToR erklären wollen frage ich mich wirklich..
Georg Zöller hat geschrieben:Guys,
Let's back up for a minute and clarify what's going on here.
Nothing has changed since San Diego Comic Con.
As discussed at SDCC, the decision was made to separate the general chat channels by faction. However, this decision ONLY affects the planet-wide chat channels such as "General Chat." If you're standing next to another player (local chat), you can talk to them regardless of what faction you're part of.
The only thing we removed, as already mentioned at Comic-Con, was the ability to communicate with the opposing faction across the entirety of a planet to avoid the issues (like griefing, abuse, and other factors which led to a very unpleasant experience) which we saw way too often in testing.
We discussed the option of hiding the global chat and defaulting it off, but ultimately the ratio of negative incidents was too high to justify that. The reasoning here is simple: We really didn’t want to create a game option that essentially says "[x] Give me an 80% chance of having an infuriating and annoying chat experience," and putting the onus on the user ("you can just /ignore them") is not our idea of a quality game experience.
Removing planet-wide cross-faction chat radically reduces the amount of reach a misbehaving player has before account action can be taken. We’ll likely add the ability to filter local cross faction chat as well.
Hopefully that clears it up a bit.
As promised, we have an update on the batch of Game Testing invites being sent to players in the EU.
After a lengthy discussion here at the BioWare offices, the decision has been made to postpone the proposed Game Testing invites for EU players for a number of reasons.
Firstly, theres a new build of the game on the horizon. This is a major build, meaning there will be character wipes and a new client to download. As you may be aware, the current client download is around 27GB in size. If we were to invite players en masse today, those players would have to download the entirety of the client to access the game. Theres every chance that later this week, the service will go offline and this new version will be rolled out, meaning everyone currently in Testing will have to not only download the entire client again (another 27GB download), but will also have their characters erased and have to start afresh. This is a relatively large amount to download in such a short space of time and not an experience we want new testers to be exposed to.
Secondly, this new build will bring about the first localised versions of Star Wars: The Old Republic, which means those of you that speak French and German will have the chance to play the game in those languages, for the first time ever. Were extremely excited to be able to offer this to our players and as such, were keen to get a lot of feedback from European testers in particular.
For those of you that may have missed the messages we put out on the subject already, last week saw a number of issues arise with key systems that prevented us from sending out invites to EU players. Had everything gone to plan, we would have been able to offer two weeks of testing time to new users. However, given the issues that arose, this was physically not possible.
So while we understand that this news may not be what a lot of you wanted to hear today, we hope that youll understand our position. Given the news of this new build, its now more important than ever that we invite European players into the Game Testing environments, so you have my word that this batch of invites will happen, it may just mean you just have to wait a little longer.
Its also important to remember this is just the beginning. In the future, well be inviting more and more testers to the EU Game Testing environments as well as future Game Testing weekends. So even if youre not invited to this next round of testing, there will still be plenty of chances to get involved.
As ever, as soon as I get any firm news around the matter, Ill make sure to update everyone.
Pain hat geschrieben:Meine 50000er Leitung freut sich schon und wetzt die Drähte:D
Lex hat geschrieben:Pain hat geschrieben:Meine 50000er Leitung freut sich schon und wetzt die Drähte:D
Könnt ihr auch hören wie die Tauben leise "Nerrrd, Nerrrd..." von den Dächern gurgeln? :rofl:
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