Mortal Online

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Mortal Online

Beitragvon Belgarath » 15 Apr 2008 18:31

Die PvP-Fraktion unter uns sollte vielleicht mal die Entwicklung eines stark PvP-lastigen MMOG verfolgen, das auf die Unreal-Engine 3 setzt. Das erste Video sieht schonmal ziemlich vielversprechend aus, zumindest was die Grafik angeht.

Mortal Online is a first-person MMORPG in a fantasy setting.

Mortal Online is a next generation PC MMORPG both in terms of graphics and gameplay. There are no PvP zones, only an open realistic world where you are free to choose your own path. Experience true real-time combat where you decide every move your character makes and where your personal skill really matters.

Build your own house, or set up a guild to build a keep. With enough power, violence or diplomacy, you and your allies will be able to rule an entire nation.

Choose from many different races and professions. You decide your own style of playing and whether to focus on PvP or PvE, both sharing the same game world. Devote your life to crafting, combat, magic or trading. Discover new skills, tools and resources. Or be the first to explore new areas to put your name on the map.
"Manche Männer bemühen sich lebenslang, das Wesen einer Frau zu verstehen. Andere befassen sich mit weniger schwierigen Dingen, z.B. der Relativitätstheorie." - Albert Einstein

Beiträge: 5146
Registriert: 06 Aug 2005 14:13
Wohnort: Wesseling, NRW

Beitragvon Stormi » 15 Apr 2008 18:36

Das schaut eindeutig nach etwas aus, das lohnenswert zu verfolgen ist - danke.
"Für den Triumph des Bösen reicht es, wenn die Guten nichts tun!" - Edmund Burke
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Beitragvon Belgarath » 15 Apr 2008 18:54

Was mich persönlich im Moment sehr anspricht ist das Skillsystem. Dabei wird es keine Level geben, sondern man wird Kampfskills durch anwenden und Lernskills wohl über ein zeitbasiertes System bekommen. Außerdem gibt es Skills, die sich auf alle Chars eines Accounts auswirken, sobald einer sie gelernt hat. Das erinnert mich stark an Ultima Online, das meiner Ansicht nach immer noch das beste Skillsystem aller MMOs hatte.
"Manche Männer bemühen sich lebenslang, das Wesen einer Frau zu verstehen. Andere befassen sich mit weniger schwierigen Dingen, z.B. der Relativitätstheorie." - Albert Einstein

Beiträge: 5146
Registriert: 06 Aug 2005 14:13
Wohnort: Wesseling, NRW

Beitragvon Majeh » 15 Apr 2008 19:03

Sieht schon recht gut aus, aber ich denke das werden wohl alle zukünftigen Spiele zwangsweise. Was mich persönlich anspricht ist die Tatsache das der SKill des Spieler sehr stark im Vordergrund steht. Was das Skillsystem an geht könnte ich mir das vielleicht ähnlich wie bei Elders Scroll: Oblivion vorstellen, man benutzt diese Fähigkeit und nach bestimmten Kriterien steigt der Skill.

Ist auf jeden Fall ein paar Blicke wert.
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Beitragvon Ecki » 15 Apr 2008 21:23

Dann hat man wie bei Oblivion nur hüpfende Spieler bis Ausdauer und Beweglichkeit auf Maximum sind ;)


Der Teaser ist natürlich schon phat .... mal schauen was aus dem Projekt wird :)

Mal was anderes als eine (mittelalter etc.) Fantasy-Welt würde mich natürlich auch reizen.
Wilder Westen , Renaissance .... oder Sci-Fi .
wartet auf SWTOR :)
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Beitragvon Belgarath » 15 Apr 2008 21:31

Ecki hat geschrieben:Dann hat man wie bei Oblivion nur hüpfende Spieler bis Ausdauer und Beweglichkeit auf Maximum sind ;)

Jedes System hat halt seine Vor- und Nachteile. Bei UO wars auch so, daß Du halt ne Weile die gleiche Tätigkeit ausführen mußtest, wenn Du sie steigern wolltest. Dafür kann man halt wirklich individuelle Charaktere erstellen.
"Manche Männer bemühen sich lebenslang, das Wesen einer Frau zu verstehen. Andere befassen sich mit weniger schwierigen Dingen, z.B. der Relativitätstheorie." - Albert Einstein

Beiträge: 5146
Registriert: 06 Aug 2005 14:13
Wohnort: Wesseling, NRW

Beitragvon Conan » 15 Apr 2008 23:37

liest sich aber alles nicht schlecht :thump:
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Beitragvon Belgarath » 16 Apr 2008 9:50

In diesem Thread antworten die Devs auf viele Fragen... sollte das wirklich so kommen (und ich bin bei Versprechungen immer skeptisch), könnte das sehr sehr interessant werden.

Besonders gut gefallen mir:
4) Can you tell us anything about the death system and the penalties (if any) associated with them?

When your body dies, your soul is set loose and steps halfway into a plane called the Ether World. As a disincarnate soul existing in both worlds at the same time, you have no physical belongings (they're left behind with your body) and you are very limited in what you can see, hear, and do. The same goes for people in the real world, as they have difficulties interacting with you. The Ether World is a very dangerous place for a Mortal Soul with rules of its own, and you will probably want to get back to your normal self as quickly as possible. To reincarnate, essentially get your body back, you must find a spirit channeler of some sort willing to help you.
More about if and how penalties will affect you later on.


What are your plans for a crafting system? And will you make crafting class specific?

I will add more about the crafting system later, but I'll try to summarize what's been said earlier:

In short, you will have to choose for your character whether to become the world's greatest herbalist or swordmaster, as it can't be both. (And yes, there will be crafting-specific classes.)

Items are divided into groups where possible (i.e. 1-Hand Swords may consist of Arming Sword, Rapier, Falchion, Light Claymore, Falcata, Gladius etc.) both for crafting- and skill purposes.

There will be powerful items to be found in the world that you cannot make - until you have found one and tried to understand the design and the components needed to be able to make one yourself (and sharing the secret is up to you).
Also, as the resources to make an item is found in the world, let's say Algoron Hide for making a great leather-type armor, you will find "powerful resources" in the game world that can make for a "powerful item", not necessarily the item itself.


Will there be a limit to the amount of skill points you can allocate?

Yes and no. It's hard to explain without digging to deep: The Primary Skills will have limits, as thay are a prerequisite for the Class Skills. The Class Skills won't have limits. In short, you will have to choose for your character whether to become the world's greatest herbalist or swordmaster, as it can't be both due to its Primary Skills.

Das sind alles die Dinge, die ich bei UO schon klasse fand und die mir bei späteren MMOs immer irgendwie fehlten...
"Manche Männer bemühen sich lebenslang, das Wesen einer Frau zu verstehen. Andere befassen sich mit weniger schwierigen Dingen, z.B. der Relativitätstheorie." - Albert Einstein

Beiträge: 5146
Registriert: 06 Aug 2005 14:13
Wohnort: Wesseling, NRW

Beitragvon Marquie » 16 Apr 2008 10:38

Belgarath hat geschrieben:Das erinnert mich stark an Ultima Online, das meiner Ansicht nach immer noch das beste Skillsystem aller MMOs hatte.

Das könnte auch daran liegen, das einige der Dev's die an Mortal Online arbeiten, mit an UO gebastelt hatten.
"kauf dir nen Mettbrötchen"
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Wohnort: Hildesheim

Beitragvon D-Dragon » 16 Apr 2008 10:46

das ist wie wir ja seit tabula rasa wissen nicht unbedingt ein garant .... leider ...
Was du heute kannst besorgen, das verschiebe schnell auf Morgen

Guild Wars II

Diiii Dragon Waldhüter

Diablo III
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Beitragvon Marquie » 16 Apr 2008 10:56

D-Dragon hat geschrieben:das ist wie wir ja seit tabula rasa wissen nicht unbedingt ein garant .... leider ...

Mit meiner Aussage wollte ich auch nicht zum Ausdruck bringen, das Mortal Online jetzt ein super Game wird weil ehemalige Dev's von UO mit daran arbeiten ;)
"kauf dir nen Mettbrötchen"
Beiträge: 741
Registriert: 08 Okt 2006 1:05
Wohnort: Hildesheim

Beitragvon D-Dragon » 16 Apr 2008 11:01

Marquie hat geschrieben:
D-Dragon hat geschrieben:das ist wie wir ja seit tabula rasa wissen nicht unbedingt ein garant .... leider ...

Mit meiner Aussage wollte ich auch nicht zum Ausdruck bringen, das Mortal Online jetzt ein super Game wird weil ehemalige Dev's von UO mit daran arbeiten ;)

hehe ich hoffe es wird keines :) denn ich weiß jetzt schon nimmer was ich denn im endeffekt spielen soll ... zuerst war nun aoc und nun mortal :) wird/ist ja echt schlimm :)
Was du heute kannst besorgen, das verschiebe schnell auf Morgen

Guild Wars II

Diiii Dragon Waldhüter

Diablo III
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Registriert: 13 Nov 2004 13:21
Wohnort: Wien

Beitragvon Belgarath » 16 Apr 2008 11:08

Die Devs haben nicht an UO gebastelt, sondern es "nur" gespielt, zumindest habe ich das so verstanden. Von daher besteht Hoffnung, daß es nicht wie Tabula Rasa endet. ;)

Und DD... die Veröffentlichung von Mortal Online ist für Sommer 2009 geplant, also kein Grund zur Hektik. :D
"Manche Männer bemühen sich lebenslang, das Wesen einer Frau zu verstehen. Andere befassen sich mit weniger schwierigen Dingen, z.B. der Relativitätstheorie." - Albert Einstein

Beiträge: 5146
Registriert: 06 Aug 2005 14:13
Wohnort: Wesseling, NRW

Beitragvon Para » 16 Apr 2008 11:22

genau bis dahin gehts noch lange und meist kommt dann nochn halbes jahr daz als der ursprüngliche release ;)
Do you know how they call a quaterpounder with cheese in Paris ? - No, how do they call a quaterpounder with cheese in Paris? - Royal with cheese
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Beitragvon Belgarath » 16 Apr 2008 18:13

Ich hab mir den Trailer gerade mal in HD (720p) runtergeladen... ich sag nur, das lohnt sich... :shock:

Achtet mal auf die Szene mit dem Pferd... das "weigert" sich richtig, weiterzugehen... und das "Reittier" an Anfang ist ja wohl mal richtig Porno... :D
"Manche Männer bemühen sich lebenslang, das Wesen einer Frau zu verstehen. Andere befassen sich mit weniger schwierigen Dingen, z.B. der Relativitätstheorie." - Albert Einstein

Beiträge: 5146
Registriert: 06 Aug 2005 14:13
Wohnort: Wesseling, NRW

Beitragvon Morlock » 16 Apr 2008 18:37

3...2...1...MEINS :thump: :thump:
Schade erst 2009 würd ich vorziehn vor WAR .

Morli DER Zwerg
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Beitragvon Obaha » 16 Apr 2008 19:14

Kein Limit bei den Class / Secondary Skills? Uiiii.....das erscheint mir aber interessant.
Obaha Piaklef
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Beitragvon Opizar » 16 Apr 2008 19:43

4) Can you tell us anything about the death system and the penalties (if any) associated with them?

When your body dies, your soul is set loose and steps halfway into a plane called the Ether World. As a disincarnate soul existing in both worlds at the same time, you have no physical belongings (they're left behind with your body) and you are very limited in what you can see, hear, and do. The same goes for people in the real world, as they have difficulties interacting with you. The Ether World is a very dangerous place for a Mortal Soul with rules of its own, and you will probably want to get back to your normal self as quickly as possible. To reincarnate, essentially get your body back, you must find a spirit channeler of some sort willing to help you.
More about if and how penalties will affect you later on.

Klingt irgendwie nach ner sehr frühen Variante aus SWG. Wurde aber
soweit ich weiß ziemlich schnell wieder abgeschafft. Ich denke, das wird so
einige Leute anstinken, wenn sie im PVP erst kilometerweit durch das
"Schattenreich" zu ihrem Corpse zurückdackeln müssen.
Und es passt was ich mir denke
auch wenn ich mich sehr beschränke
nicht auf einen Knopf an meiner Brust.
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Beitragvon Belgarath » 19 Mai 2008 11:00

Neue offizielle Infos zum Attribut- und Skillsystem.
"Manche Männer bemühen sich lebenslang, das Wesen einer Frau zu verstehen. Andere befassen sich mit weniger schwierigen Dingen, z.B. der Relativitätstheorie." - Albert Einstein

Beiträge: 5146
Registriert: 06 Aug 2005 14:13
Wohnort: Wesseling, NRW

Beitragvon Belgarath » 19 Mai 2008 12:49

Und weil diese Beschreibung des Skillsystems wirklich aufschlußreich und wie ich finde sehr interessant ist, habe ich sie mal für unsere weniger gut Englisch sprechenden übersetzt.

Char-Skills sind in Mortal Online sehr wichtig, da es Deine Skills und kein „Char-Level“ sind, die definieren, was Du im Spiel machen kannst und was nicht. Das Skillsystem selbst ist sehr dynamisch in dem Sinne, daß die Attribute und Skills voneinander abhängig sind und daß das Trainieren des einen auch das andere verbessert. Es gibt Dir auch die Möglichkeit, Deinen Char völlig individuell zu gestalten.
Unglücklicherweise mag dieses System zu Beginn etwas verwirrend erscheinen, speziell wenn man darüber etwas liest, aber laßt uns jeden Teil des Systems einzeln betrachten.

Dein Char wird verschiede Typen von Attributen haben. Hier sind die drei wichtigsten:

Basis-Atrribute enthalten Deinen Namen, den Namen Deiner Deva, Rasse, Geschlecht usw. Die meisten diesr Attribute sind dauerhaft oder ändern sich zumindest nicht oft.

Primäre Attribute sind solche wie Stärke, Geschicklichkeit, Intelligenz etc. Dies sind die Attribute die den Kern Deines Chars definieren und Dir die Möglichkeit geben, bestimmte Skills zu trainieren, aber auch die Grenzen, bis zu welchem Ausmaß man andere trainieren kann. Du beginnst das Spiel mit einer bestimmten Menge an Punkten, die Du auf die verschiedenen Attribute verteilen kannst und die sich während des Spiels durch die Nutzung von Skills verbessern werden. Außerdem wird eine Verbesserung eines Attributs jedem Skill, der auf diesem Attribut basiert, einen kleinen Schub geben. Allerdings haben die Primären Attribute einen Maximalwert, was bedeutet, daß man sie nicht mehr steigern kann, sobald man eine bestimmte Anzahl an Punkten in allen Attributen erreicht hat, zumindest nicht mehr auf dem üblichen Weg. Um zum Beispiel Deine Stärke zu erhöhen, muß man diese Punkte durch das Absenken eines anderen Attributs Deiner Wahl gewinnen. Dies bedeutet, daß man niemals alle Primären Attribute maximieren kann, man muß vielmehr wählen, welches die Stärken und Schwächen seines Chars sein werden.

1.) Ein Primäres Attribut verbessert sich, wenn ein damit verbundener Skill trainiert wird.
2.) Primäre Attribute haben eine gemeinsame Obergrenze.

Sekundäre Attribute sind solche, die aus anderen berechnet werden, wie zum Beispiel Gesundheit, Mana, Ausdauer, Bewegung usw. Skills können diese Attribute ebenfalls beeinflussen.

Es gibt zwei Haupttypen von Skills in Mortal Online: primäre und sekundäre.

Primäre Skills
Primäre Skills sind die grundlegendsten Skills im Spiel und außerdem das Fundament für den Rest des Skillbaums. Alle Chars haben diese Skills von Beginn an, aber es liegt an Dir, welche Du davon trainierst. Die verschiedenen Primären Skills schalten die verschiedenen Sekundären Skills frei; zum Beispiel wirst Du den Primären Skill „Akrobatik“ auf einen bestimmten Wert bringen müssen, um den Sekundären Skill „Klettern“ lernen zu können. Wie die Primären Attribute haben auch die Primären Skills einen gemeinsamen Maximalwert, was bedeutet, daß Du niemals jeden einzelnen Primären Skills vollständig trainieren kannst. Es liegt an Dir, die perfekte Balance für Deinen Char zu finden, da man diese Skills so oft man möchte trainieren und verlernen kann

Sekundäre Skills
Die Sekundären Skills machen den Großteil des Skillbaums aus. Es gibt eine große Zahl an Skills, die in einem sehr komplexen Netzwerk miteinander verbunden sind. Sekundäre Skills müssen im Spiel durch Bücher, Lehrer und/oder zu einem geringeren Teil durch andere Mittel wie Magie oder Leistungen entdeckt und gelernt werden. Die Voraussetzung eines Sekundären Skills kann anderer Sekundärer Skill, ein Primärer Skill, irgendein Attribut oder eine Kombination aus allem sein. Zum Beispiel kann das Lernen des Sekundären Skills „Fortgeschrittenes Giftmischen“ voraussetzen, daß Du die Sekundären Skills „Bestienkunde“, die wiederum auf „Zoologie“ basiert, und „Giftmischen“, das auf „Grundlegende Kräuterkunde“ basiert, was wiederum „Botanik“ voraussetzt, hast.

Der Hauptunterschied zu den Primären Skills ist daß die Sekundären Skills keinen gemeinsamen Maximalwert haben. Du kannst soviele Sekundäre Skills wie Du möchtest lernen, aber die Skills, die Du lernen kannst, werden durch Deine Attribute und Primären Skills begrenzt. Die Beschränkungen bedeuten auch, daß wenn man einen Primären Skill oder ein Attribut, die Voraussetzung für einen der Sekundären Skills sind, verlernt, man diesen Sekundären Skill nicht mehr nutzen kann. Wenn die Voraussetzungen irgendwann aber wieder einmal erfüllt sein sollten, kann der Sekundäre Skill wieder wie zuvor genutzt werden (man muß ihn also nicht wieder trainieren). Kurz gesagt, man kann jeden Teil des Skillbaums erforschen, ohne Angst zu haben, sich irgendwo „festzufahren“, da man mit ein wenig Zeit die Sekundären Skills immer wieder „verlassen“ und zu ihnen „zurückkehren“ kann, weil sie schon einmal trainiert wurden.

Jeder Skill in Mortal Online ist entweder ein Action- oder ein Lern-Skill. Einige der Sekundären Skills sind auch als Deva-Skills (oder „Account-/Welt-Skills“) gekennzeichnet.

Ein Actionskill wird durch Nutzung im Spiel trainiert. Durch Nutzung Deines „Arming Swords“ trainierst Du den Skill „Arming Sword“ (und zu einem geringeren Anteil auch „Einhandschwerter“, „Leichte Waffen“, „Stärke“ und „Geschicklichkeit“).

Ein Lern-Skill wird durch „Lesen eines Buchs“ oder „es mental studieren“ passiv trainiert. Dies verbraucht Zeit und je schwieriger ein Skill ist, umso länger dauert es. Du kannst nur einen Lern-Skill gleichzeitig trainieren, aber währenddessen kann man natürlich die Action-Skills verbessern, da diese von den Handlungen im Spiel abhängig sind. Obwohl die meisten Lern-Skills passiv gesteigert werden, profitieren einige von bestimmten Handlungen im Spiel, zum Beispiel könnte sich der Lernskill „Zoologie“ jedesmal erhöhen, wenn Du eine neue Kreatur entdeckst. (In diesem Fall muß der Skill nicht derjenige sein, der gerade „studiert“ wird.)

Einige der Sekundären Skills werden als Deva-Skills gekennzeichnet. (Deva ist Deine „geteilte Seele“, die alle Chars Deines Accounts miteinander verbindet.)
Wenn ein Deva-Skill trainiert wird, profitieren alle Deine Chars von diesem Training. Da alle Sekundären Skills Voraussetzungen haben, heißt das nicht notwendigerweise, daß alle diesen Skill auch nutzen können, aber es bedeutet, daß dieser Skill vorhanden ist, sich auf dem gleichen Level wie bei den anderen Chars befindet und genutzt werden kann, sollten die Voraussetzungen irgendwann einmal erfüllt sein (vgl. Sekundäre Skills).

Klassen und Klassenbeschränkungen
Klassen in Mortal Online werden ziemlich anders als in den meisten anderen MMORPG funktionieren. Du beginnst das Spiel nicht mit einer bestimmten Klasse, obwohl Du aus verschiedenen Voreinstellungen auswählen kannst, um ein wenig Hilfe mit auf den Weg zu bekommen. Klassen werden durch spezielle Gilden im Spiel verwaltet („traditionelle“ Berufsgilden wie Handels-, Schmiede-, Diebesgilden usw.), bei denen man sich bewerben und angenommen werden muß, um den speziellen „Klassentitel“ zu erhalten (Du kannst auswählen, ob dieser Titel öffentlich gezeigt werden soll oder nicht).

Klassen werden Voraussetzungen in Form von Skills, Attributen oder manchmal auch Dingen wie Reputation, Sozialstatus oder Wohlstand haben. Im Wesentlichen wirst Du bestimmte Attribute und/oder Skills zugunsten anderer aufgeben müssen, was bedeutet, daß Deine Skillauswahl begrenzt sein wird. Andererseits profitiert man von bestimmten Klassenboni solange Du Deiner Klasse durch Einhaltung der Voraussetzung treu bleibst. Ob es Dir das Opfer wert ist, bleibt natürlich Dir überlassen.
"Manche Männer bemühen sich lebenslang, das Wesen einer Frau zu verstehen. Andere befassen sich mit weniger schwierigen Dingen, z.B. der Relativitätstheorie." - Albert Einstein

Beiträge: 5146
Registriert: 06 Aug 2005 14:13
Wohnort: Wesseling, NRW

Beitragvon Belgarath » 17 Jun 2008 11:07

Der aktuelle Newsletter.

Außerdem gibt es ein paar allgemeine Infos zur ersten spielbaren Rasse, den Halb-Orks:

Half Orc

Thieves, traitors, beasts. The fear of the half orcs has brought them many undesirable names. As sons and daughters of the unspeakable crimes committed in the wake of a war, the half orcs’ life stories are often stained by tragedies. The majority of the half orcs are doomed to roam aimlessly in a world where the full blood orcs look upon them as weaklings and the civilised world despise them as witless barbarians and fear their orcish heritage. However, few surpass them in strength and stamina, on the battlefield or in the arena, and the non-human heritage in their blood and mind make even veteran soldiers cautious.


A half orc’s childhood
The half orcs are the result of a union between a human and an orc. A union tragic in its nature since the two races have never had lasting peace between them. During the wars and the clashes between the human race and the orcish tribes the females tend to fall victims to abuse, and often these cases of abuse lead to a mix of the two races. Sadly the half orcs are met with suspicion on both sides and are often loathed due to the abominable thought of a union between the two races. The majority of the half orcs is sterile or suffers great difficulty of producing offspring.

It is very uncommon for a half orc to be brought up by orcs, even though most of the half orcs with an orcish mother are born into such a community. A half orc is seen as a burden for the clan and have no chance of earning a rank. Therefore an orcish mother often abandons her child on the outskirts of a nearby village or farm, in hope of a better future for the child. Despite the fact that the humans often consider the orcs as violent and primitive the truth is that compassion and motherly love coexist with a strict hierarchy and the mentality of “strength-is-power” in an orcish tribe. To abandon the half orc child instead of simply killing it is regarded a better option for both the tribe, the mother and the child.

If the mother of a half orc child is human she is often looked upon as befouled by the rest of society, and that is the reason why many women give birth to their bastard children in secret. Like the orcish mothers the human mothers also tend to abandon their children, so that they might be raised by beggars, the very poor or farmers in exchange of a smaller amount of gold.
Only a minority of the half orcs is lucky enough to be brought up in one of the few and distant located half orc societies, who gladly receive them due to lack of offspring and fading in numbers.

The half orcs possess great endurance and a talent for survival making them able to stay alive in miserable conditions during the early years of childhood. Those of them who end up in the larger cities soon realise that begging won’t pay off since no one is willing to donate to “the thieving bastard children”, forcing them to support themselves by theft or violence, and therefore reinforcing the already widely spread prejudice. Instead of begging, a half orc growing up in a smaller village is often forced to perform hard manual labour and allowed to stay until puberty, which occur in a fairly early age, before being cast out into the wild or the larger cities to support themselves.

The half orcs who can’t rely on hunting and fishing for survival will face great difficulty receiving employment in the big cities, which is why many sell themselves as slaves. Owing to their endurance and strength they are considered formidable rowers on various ships, gladiators in an arena, workers in the sewers, or carriers in everything ranging from construction sites to army caravans. After several years of heavy labour some half orcs are able to buy their own freedom and possibly be employed. Many are driven by their nature to become recruits in different mercenary camps, where they are still looked upon with great suspicion but are able to rise in rank thanks to traits such as discipline, authority, fearlessness and fighting spirit. Some half orcs settle outside the unwelcoming cities and form their own communities, keeping to themselves and remaining passive in order not to suffer any attacks or ravaging.

The physique, mentality and appearances of the half orcs
The typical half orc inherit a strength and endurance which greatly surpass the same characteristics in an ordinary human - an animalistic power reserve displaying their orcish origin. They are usually taller than humans and have like the orcs a flesh that heals readily. Due to their size and robust bone structure the half orcs tend to be somewhat clumsy but compensate this with good reflexes, resulting in the fact that they rarely wear heavy armour.

Only large warhorses, bullhorses or even larger mounts are able to carry an armoured half orc.

When it comes to intelligence it is hard to compare a human with a half orc since the majority of the latter lack any form of organized education, but there is nothing to indicate that the half orcs are less capable of mental activity. The half orcs who have grown up in the streets develop the same sly cunning as their human counterparts, and those who rise in rank within a mercenary faction are often shrewd tacticians and have a talent for strategy. In natural environments, such as the woods, mountains and grottos, a good sense of locality unfolds within the half orcs but they have a poor sense of direction in habited areas.

Difficult mental experiences do not affect half orcs to a great extent. Despite their often troubled childhood, psychic traumas among the half orcs are rare. The reason might be their pragmatic orc-like nature, making them live in the present to a great extent and also resulting in the fact that half orcs make bad theorists. The half orcs also share the orcs’ inability to understand, and fear of, magic and spells, something that can probably be traced back to the origins of the orc race. A few half orcs develop abilities resembling those of the orc shamans, but without guidance or tutoring these abilities seldom grow strong.

On most half orcs markings will appear on different parts of the body. On full blood orcs these markings are related to age and social status, but on half orcs this function is lost. Half orcs have thicker hair than humans but have in general less body hair. Their eyes are often completely dark yellow, dark brown or black, it is extremely rare to see a half orc with a bright human-like iris. They have good vision even in faint light although they can’t see in total darkness, but this comes at the expense of a slightly poorer colour vision. Half orcs also have a good sense of hearing compared to humans, but they have difficulty hearing higher frequencies.

Half orcs in the world
The half orcs live difficult and hard lives in the human civilisation, even though it is the only community who at least partly accept their existence. Some perform tough and demanding labour as slaves or workers, others fight for money in the arenas or mercenary armies. Many make their living by theft, assassinations or fencing and are constantly sought after by the long arm of the law. Most humans are prejudiced against half orcs and they are often more severally punished in court than humans are. Only a handful half orcs have gained fame and glory in the books of history, and these individuals have been gladiators, commanders of mercenary armies or master tutors at training camps.

The half orcs regard the world with the same scepticism they themselves are met with; by gaining wisdom from their past experiences they become vigilant and suspicious of the world but accept their fate with their half orcish pragmatic nature. They never or seldom complain since this is seen as a sign of weakness, they regard drawn out discussions and thoughtfulness as a lack of the capacity to act. These characteristics of course contribute to the stereotypes of half orcs being stupid and taken advantage of, but as it is against their own nature to approach the situation differently they let the matter rest. If the relationship between humans and half orcs is strained then the bond between full blood orcs and half orcs is nonexistent. The half orcs fear and avoid the orcs, who place them on the same level as humans, or worse.

On the outskirts of the larger human settlements it is possible to find smaller half orc villages such as Kranesh outside of Tindrem and Obrig on the plains of Myrland. In these villages, other half breeds, outcasts, outlaws and freethinkers are accepted but the order is kept to avoid any conflict with the rest of civilisation. These half orc villages are often ruled by moguls and are seen as barbaric by the larger cities. The villages are rather autonomous but deal in fish, wood, stone and agricultural products. The half orcs lack their own culture, traditions and craftsmanship, they are therefore forced to adapt and be shaped by the world around them.

The largest half orc settlement is Gaul'kor in close proximity to Herabalter. Gaul'kor is a somewhat chaotic place which besides being home to fencers, thieves and bandits, also have a small full blood orc population. Those half orcs who are unable to adapt to civilisation due to their orcish nature or upbringing end up in Gaul'kor, together with all sorts of scum. More civilized half orcs look down on the city as it only contributes to their already torn reputation.
"Manche Männer bemühen sich lebenslang, das Wesen einer Frau zu verstehen. Andere befassen sich mit weniger schwierigen Dingen, z.B. der Relativitätstheorie." - Albert Einstein

Beiträge: 5146
Registriert: 06 Aug 2005 14:13
Wohnort: Wesseling, NRW

Beitragvon Belgarath » 30 Sep 2008 10:51

Nach drei Monaten Pause (u.a. wegen der GC in Leipzig) gibt es wieder neue Infos.

1.) Zwei Interview-Videos:

2.) Als zweite spielbare Rasse wurden die "Tindremenen" vorgestellt.

The Tindremenes are renowned for their history as conquerors. Before the Conflux the Tindremic Empire dominated large parts of the known world, with outposts in each and every corner of the realm. Those days of glory are over, but the Tindremenes still regard themselves as the finest and most advanced civilization in the world.



The Tindremic society uses a complicated caste-system that applies to every man and woman being born or assimilated into the empire, and most people belong to one of the Plebeian castes, meaning workers and crafters etc. At least amongst themselves, the higher castes only consider those with a genuine bloodline to be real Tindremenes. This bloodline, which is claimed to have run in the Tindremic race since they parted from the pre-Sidoian civilization, has to be inherited by having at least one parent who is a part of the Plebeian caste or higher, or by presenting a documented proper ancestry for evaluation.

It falls upon all respectable Tindremenes of Plebeian caste or higher to give their children one or more years of education, often administered by a hired scholar, and the empire has a high degree of literacy. Most Plebeians are also given basic military training, some joining the army for a few years before returning to society.

The Tindremenic Empire

The few historical annals that remains in the world after the Conflux all tell the tale of The Tindremic Empire, the writing is always grand and pompous regardless if the writing is positive or negative. The reputation of the Tindremenes as colonizers, conquerors or liberators is something that still lives on in all great civilizations in the known world and as a testimony to all this stands the grand Tindrem, the largest city of the modern age. Many things have come to pass since the Conflux, and although Tindrem escaped the catastrophe with minor damages only fragments of the complex caste system, technology and armies of thousands remains of the old and proud empire.

The Tindremic Provinces

The native Tindremenes still regard themselves as the most advanced civilization in the known world and call attention to their heritage from the mythic pre-Sidoian culture and the ancient alliance with Húergar. Although Tindrem is still a powerful city it is also one of the few things that remain of the great empire. Tindrem itself is nowadays a melting pot of different cultures and not even Myrland can be regarded as dominated by the Tindremenes, with the Khurites on the steppeland, Húergar to the north and the warlike Orc clans to the east. The Tindremic Empire still lives on as a name and as an ideal in the minds and hearts of the Tindremene people. Despite their pride the Tindremenes have realised the awkwardness of keeping the name of the empire on the map itself. Today, the western part of Myrland and the different colonies is called The Tindremic Provinces, and its borders are not always fixed. Except the city of Tindrem a few small cities and villages in Myrland are parts of the nation, as well as the island of Isla Piska north of Tindrem and a small number of colonies across the world. Contact with these colonies is sporadic at best.

Most scholars agree that the city of Tindrem was built with the assistance of the allied Húergar approximately a thousand years ago. Analyses of the building material’s age confirm that the city has expanded like circles on the water from the majestic fortress Arx Primoris with its great colossi, which is still the home of the emperor. Those parts of the inner city wall that still remain are as ancient as the fortress itself while the aqueduct and the outer city wall seems to have been constructed a few hundred years later, using the same architectural style. The city is divided into several Vicas, or districts, each being governed by a Consul. Almost as famous as the fortress and colossi are the Clerus Magica, the magic academy, and Pharos Maximus, the great lighthouse.



In connection with the Conflux something which is called the Great Washout befell Tindrem. The name is disputed but it probably originates from when the foul-smelling tanneries and fisheries in the northern part of the city simply sank into the ocean. Another theory which has been proposed suggests that the name comes from when all kinds of abominations were swept out to sea to the horror of the residents during the following flood.

The Caste-system
In old times, only those with a true bloodline were considered genuine Tindremenes, meaning that they had the right to belong to the Plebeian caste. This bloodline, which is claimed to have run in the Tindremic race since they parted from the pre-Sidoian civilization, had to be inherited by having at least one parent who was a part of the Plebeian caste or higher, or by presenting a proper pedigree for evaluation. Although this system has been generally abandoned since the Conflux and the confusion following it, it is still practiced by many in the Theurgy and Nobilitas castes.

The Tindremens

Today a caste is not always inherited but can rather be assigned at random by various groups who possess power in the society, and what once was a clear system has degenerated into a jumble of symbols, where no one really keeps track of what stands for what. A caste mark is still said to signify plenty of information concerning the bearer to an observant beholder, such as family, social class, political influence and power, profession, assets and even sexual disposition. However, most Tindremenes only have knowledge concerning a small set of caste marks belonging to nearby families or people in one’s close proximity, as well as the most important marks belonging to the higher castes. To not be able to recognize a mark is however never shown outwards since it’s regarded as one’s duty and relates to one’s honour to show others a proper amount of respect depending on their specific caste. The “proper amount of respect” could be anything ranging from contempt to courteously fawning.

The Major Castes
The rules governing the caste system proclaim that the caste mark should be placed in the centre of the forehead and plainly visible (this is however rare on the countryside or in a less civilized settlement). A basic pattern exists for every major caste, and this pattern grows and becomes more advanced for every step on the ladder. In addition to one’s major caste mark, which is required by law to always be visible, there exists an abundance of extensions to the mark depending on which sub caste, family and profession an individual belongs to. Usually the basic major caste mark is tattooed while the extensions to the mark are painted on a frequent basis. Below follows a listing of the largest major castes and their most important aspects.

Eeta – The Excrement
Eeta is not considered a caste per se, it is more of a common name for those with no rights, also known as the casteless or untouchables. Belonging to Eeta is one step away from being permanently banned from the Tindremic Provinces and Eeta is mostly constituted by convicted felons and outcasts such as native half orcs, the gravely ill, plague victims or those who suffer from a mental or physical handicap. They are all regarded as a potential risk towards the rest of society regardless if that is the case or not. Several Eeta have had their forehead badly burned with a symbol which displays their individual caste in order to prevent them from adopting a false identity. For example thieves belonging to Vispellio, Canacheni or Thesauria (body looters and grave-robbers, pickpocketers, burglars and treasure-thieves) are all burned with their respective mark when sentenced.

Eeta who live in the city of Tindrem are banished to Vica Caducus, the Sinking City, and are not allowed to set foot on any other property in the capital.


Vica Caducus

Slaves – The Feet
Those who belong to the slave castes are not regarded as regular citizens, however these castes are differentiated depending on their use and their personal rights. For example, a lower class such as Serfs work on their master’s estate in exchange for food and lodging but are not allowed to own any property themselves. Villeins also work in exchange for food and lodging but are allowed to own property and Gladiators are even expected to fight and earn enough money to buy their own freedom.

Plebeians – The Body
The majority of the population belongs to Plebeians or Plebs and it is also the most extensive of the major castes. Even visitors to the empire are considered Plebeians although many specific rules and constitutions concerning visitors exist. Everyone who belongs to the Plebeians are considered free men and women who can own and manage property. The term range from recently redeemed slaves, Freemen, to a plethora of other sub-casts such as Courtesans, Mercenaries, Guards, Workers, Fishermen, Crafters, Merchants and Lesser Landowners. Only the Plebeians have the right to, and are forced to by law, to enter into the army if necessary. It is also among the Plebeians you will find the majority of the guilds in the empire, and they are represented by the Nobilitas in the Tricapita.

To be continued...
"Manche Männer bemühen sich lebenslang, das Wesen einer Frau zu verstehen. Andere befassen sich mit weniger schwierigen Dingen, z.B. der Relativitätstheorie." - Albert Einstein

Beiträge: 5146
Registriert: 06 Aug 2005 14:13
Wohnort: Wesseling, NRW

Beitragvon Belgarath » 19 Okt 2008 6:30

Und wieder mal Neuigkeiten zu spielbaren Rassen:

Tindremenen Teil 2

"Manche Männer bemühen sich lebenslang, das Wesen einer Frau zu verstehen. Andere befassen sich mit weniger schwierigen Dingen, z.B. der Relativitätstheorie." - Albert Einstein

Beiträge: 5146
Registriert: 06 Aug 2005 14:13
Wohnort: Wesseling, NRW

Beitragvon Belgarath » 23 Nov 2008 8:00

Wieder ist ein Monat vorbei und wie immer gibt es neue Infos, dieses mal im wesentlichen zum sog. "Flagging" im Kampf, das mich sehr stark an das in Eve Online erinnert:

The Flagging System

The balance of Mortal Online’s open-PvP relies heavily on its flagging system. Each player and NPC (Non-Player Characters, Creatures etc) in the game has a flag (color) that is visible to you when you highlight or target them. The color will tell you some basic facts about that player, for instance if it’s “ok” to attack him/her or not, although you will never be forbidden to do so by the system. You too have a flag of course, visible to yourself at all times.

Getting to know the basics of the flagging system is easy when playing the game, but unfortunately rather complex to describe. However, when you first start playing, all you need to know is:

* Neutral/Blue players are innocent (well, as innocent as they get) and it’s not ok for you to damage them. You may not steal from them, or cast suspicious spells on them either. Nor poison them. If you do so, you become Allowed/Grey. Kill enough of them and you will eventually be flagged as a Murderer/Red.

* Allowed/Gray players have behaved badly in some way against you or someone else in the last few minutes, meaning you can attack them without becoming Grey for everybody else. But remember, if you attack them first, they have the right to attack you back! (Meaning they see you as Grey.)

* Murderers/Red players have committed several murders, and you better look out for them. You can attack them without turning Grey for everybody else, but if you attack first, they have the right to attack you back! (Meaning they see you as Grey.)

Loot from other players and specific objects in the world share this system as well and will be colored accordingly. That means it’s ok to loot or interact with all Red and Grey stuff you see, but if you mess with Blue stuff you will become Grey yourself.

If you decide to join a Player Guild that is at war with another Player Guild, special rules apply. You will still see their flag/color, but they will be treated by the system as Grey – and so will you for them!

As the system itself will always allow you to attack, steal, enchant, poison or kill any color/flag you like whenever you want, you might ask what the colors/flags are for except decoration. The main reasons are:

* Cities and villages may have guard zones, where it’s possible to call for the guards to capture or kill any Grey or Red player, if they’re not already doing so.

* Certain merchants may choose not to trade with Grey or Red players.

* Players of every color may take the opportunity to attack Grey or Red players, as they can do so without getting “Grey for all” themselves.

* Red players may loose stats if they resurrect too soon after being killed. Also, most healers will simply refuse to resurrect murderers.

This is probably all you will need to know when first starting to play Mortal Online. However, the flagging system goes much deeper than this as it is the foundation for balanced conflict in the game. This section will be updated with more stats and specifics later on.

For those of you that are interested, we’ve decided to share most of the design we are using for flagging in our Alpha stage. We have to warn you though that it is very complex and fairly poorly commented (as this is what goes on behind the curtains and must contain each and every special case), but it is available for download here. We’ll also try to answer your specific questions on the forums!

Download MO_Flagging.pdf
"Manche Männer bemühen sich lebenslang, das Wesen einer Frau zu verstehen. Andere befassen sich mit weniger schwierigen Dingen, z.B. der Relativitätstheorie." - Albert Einstein

Beiträge: 5146
Registriert: 06 Aug 2005 14:13
Wohnort: Wesseling, NRW

Beitragvon Belgarath » 20 Dez 2008 15:26

Und kurz vor Weihnachten noch was neues (und sehr interessantes) zum Kampfsystem:

Alpha Combat System in short

This is a description of how combat works in the Alpha (2008-12-01). Everything is subject to change.

First of all, many of the features described here might not sound much compared to a “regular single or multi-player FPS”, but are in fact a minor revolution to include in a MMO, and we are very proud of them!
We are of course aware that there are a lot of stuff that could be improved if there were no limits, but please remember that a lot of things are made a certain way because it’s the only way, or because the system is the lesser of two evils

Also, most features described here have corresponding in-game skills. These skills may affect everything from chances of success, damage, speed, or whether or not you are able to execute a certain action at all. But as they are too many to include and would further complicate the description, we decided to leave them out.

You never have to target someone to attack them. Targeting is used for keeping track of enemies and/or friends, letting you see their names and status (although very limited). It is also used for certain skills and spells.

- Hold target button and hover the target-crosshair over character(s) to see their names.
- Release or tap target button to add target to target list (and make that target the “active target”).
- Target list shows each targets healthbar but without numbers.
- Target list shows each targets flag/color.
- Target list may contain several targets.

The Stamina Bar has two values, Current Stamina and Max Stamina.

Max Stamina is the long-term value (the "length" of the bar itself). It's representing your general condition and is affected by for instance how long you've been active without resting or food. The Max Stamina is your "stamina cap" that determines how much Current Stamina you can possibly have. It's worth to mention that the cap itself won't actually be affected until you've been going without rest for quite some time.

Current Stamina is the short-term value (how "full" the bar is). Current Stamina is used for many actions, like jumping, sprinting and combat actions. It drains very quickly, but also refills in a short time. Your actions also slowly reduce the Max Stamina until you rest.

Combat Stance
In Combat Stance you are preparing yourself for incoming blows as well as for dashing them out yourself. You will automatically draw your pre-selected weapons (if any, unarmed fighting is also possible). In Combat Stance you move much slower by default, and sprinting costs more stamina. Your defense is higher and you have a small chance to auto-block incoming blows.

Depending on what weapon you wield, there may be up to three different stances to switch between: 1. Default. Used for slashing/sweeping/cutting. 2. Thrust. Used to precisely aim thrusts and prods. 3. Ranged. Used for throwing and shooting.

An attack consists of two "phases": charge and release.

By holding the left mouse button (LMB) you charge your attack (for a minimum of 1/2 sec but for as long as you want). As long as you charge you are open for attacks, blocking as well as auto-blocking is disabled, although you may move around freely. When you release LMB, the attack comes instantly, followed by a "recovery" that leaves you vulnerable as you cannot strike or block/parry during that time either. Charging currently does not affect amount of damage (it probably will affect it slightly later on) but enables you to fully control the attack, as you’ll strike instantly upon release.

The two phases are also used when simply clicking the LMB, although they are handled as one seamless move: The attack will be charged and then immediately released when the charge is completed (minimum 1/2 sec).

Running and attacking will result in a “power strike” that is different depending on the weapon you wield, but it drains a lot of stamina.

The first thing you’ll learn in MO’s combat is that timing is crucial, and simply spamming the LMB won’t help you in any way. The slight time it takes to charge an attack (whether you hold or click the LMB) makes the combat feel a bit non-instantaneous at first (compared to average shooters where bullets are fired directly when clicking), but opens up for much more tactical and “realistic” combat, as well as manual blocking.

Active blocking/parrying is a very difficult feature to handle in a MMO due to server response time and network traffic. We’ve had to make several compromises (like attack-speed and the chance to auto-block) but are very proud to have a working manual blocking-system.

Blocking is done by holding the right mouse button. It takes approximately 1/4 of a second to enter “blocking-state” (raising your shield or weapon). Likewise, it takes about the same time to exit blocking when you release RMB. It’s pretty fast, but not instant. Holding RMB slowly drains stamina, and so does every blow you manage to block.

Blocking will absorb damage (but the shield or weapon used to block will sustain damage). When blocking, there are three different outcomes:
1. If you are struck from “behind”, blocking will not help at all.
2. If you are struck from the “front” or “side”, blocking will absorb only a small amount of damage.
3. If you manage to block the blow with the actual shield- or weapon-mesh, you’ve made a Perfect Block. A Perfect Block drains less stamina, reduces the damage done to your shield/weapon, and gives you a chance to follow up the block with a special counter-attack if you time it really well.

When holding RMB, an alternate attack can be triggered by LMB. (If you are using a shield for example, this will trigger a shield-bash.)

Most weapons and shields will give you a small chance (modified by a skill, of course) to auto-block incoming blows. An auto-block happens instantaneously, and is there to compensate for not being able to block instantaneously yourself.

One-handed weapons may be combined with a shield or another one-handed weapon (or for instance torches). If a shield is equipped, it will automatically be used for blocking by RMB instead of the weapon (although the weapon might still be used by the auto-blocking system.) When dual-wielding two weapons, tapping a direction and then LMB will “charge” the corresponding weapon. When charged, simply releasing LMB will make a standard attack, but tapping RMB will instead execute two quick strikes in a row.

Shooting is of course aim-based. Unfortunately it’s too early to tell if we will be able to have simulated trajectories and arcs, but if it’s in any way doable we will.

Armor and Hitboxes
We are excited to announce that we’ve managed to have as much as 10 individual hitboxes(!) per character in the Alpha. This means very accurate hit-detection, and also that the armor of each body part is used when calculating damage. Additional effects for striking different parts may be added later (such as greater chance for knockback when hit on legs or feet, critical hits on head, chance of being disarmed when hit on hands etc.), but so far only damage is in. On a side note, equipping and un-equipping armor pieces take time, and although it isn’t as slow as in real life it’s definitely not recommended to do during combat.

The majority of spells that deals with real-time PvP have been classified as “Battle Magic”. By reducing the number of Battle Spells (to about 20), we’ve managed to work out a system where strategy, tactics, actions and reactions define the outcome in a mage-duel. There are very few, if any, “buffs/debuffs”. There are very few types of damage or resistances in PvP (no fire, water, earth, wind, holy, unholy etc.). In short, you have to have good coordination and you must really try to read your opponent to be successful. In many ways, it’s comparable to old UO

(The Battle Magic is separated from the other Magic Schools that deals with semi- or non-direct PvP magic, like summons, enchantments, music etc. Also, in PvE creatures will deal different types of damage and there will be different kinds of resistances and spells to affect them. But those systems will not interfere with the PvP.)

We are currently evaluating two types of spell casting:

1. The first system is based on targeting, where you switch between the targets in your Target List. Some spells are simply auto-aiming, some requires that you face the opponent, and some requires that you actually aim and “hit” them.

2. The second system is based on aiming-only, like a FPS. The first system means that once you’ve targeted your opponents, you have to use coordination (and sometimes aiming) to be successful, but in a way it’s less “fps-interactive”. The problem with the second system is that aiming-only gets very twitch-based and more like a shooter. Also, the number of Combat Spells will probably have to be even more reduced - compare it to a FPS-game where you have to keep track of 20+ weapons and how to counter them while moving around :P

This will definitely be tested and worked on during this phase.

Mounted combat
We have worked hard with the first-person view on mount, which is what we are using now in the Alpha. This also means there’s a good chance there won’t be a third-person view in MO at all. Mounted combat works in exactly the same way as described above, although the control scheme is a little bit different. You can use different stances, attack, block, shoot, dual-wield and cast spells etc. The higher the velocity of your mount, the more damage is added to your strikes as well as an increased chance to knock opponents over. Hitboxes are separated, meaning you can hit either the mount or the rider.

Fatalities, Mercy and Death
If the last blow that hits you and makes you reach 0 HP isn’t extremely heavy (which would instead result in a spectacular bloodbath), you will enter a semi-unconscious state where you are only able to speak. Your opponent may hit you once more and then you die - perhaps s/he even decides to end it in a really theatrical way - or s/he may decide to spare or bargain with your life. If you are left alone, you will eventually regain a couple of HP but be much weakened.

"Manche Männer bemühen sich lebenslang, das Wesen einer Frau zu verstehen. Andere befassen sich mit weniger schwierigen Dingen, z.B. der Relativitätstheorie." - Albert Einstein

Beiträge: 5146
Registriert: 06 Aug 2005 14:13
Wohnort: Wesseling, NRW


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